درس چهارم 504 واژه ضروری زبان انگلیسی




Aggravate: make worse; exacerbate; annoy
Beau: a man who is the lover of a girl or young woman; lover; young man courting a woman; suitor
Cellar: basement; underground room; wine cellar; a storage space or room below ground level in a house
Circulate: go around; go from place to place or person to person; move around; distribute; pass around; hand out
Complain: find fault; express displeasure; express dissatisfaction or annoyance
Convincing: persuasion; influencing; swaying; cause to believe firmly in the truth of something
Country: rural; located away from urban areas; state; region; inhabitants of a particular nation; one’s homeland
Crab: any of a number of crustaceans having five pairs of walking legs; grouch; bad-tempered person
Crumble: fall to pieces; shatter; collapse; break into small crumbs; fall apart
Dense: closely packed together; thick; compact; close; stupid; slow
Descend: go or come down from a higher place to a lower level; go down; lower oneself morally
Eliminate: remove; get rid of; omit; terminate or take out
Enormous: extremely large; immense; huge; extraordinarily large in size or extent or amount or power or degree
Extravagant: lacking restraint in spending money or using resources; unrestrained in especially feelings; lavish; costly; excessive
Folk: people; people who share a common background or way of life; cultural or ethnic group
Fortify: garrison; defend; strengthen; reinforce; enrich; make strong or stronger
Gossip: talk about the private affairs of others; spread rumors; light informal conversation for social occasions
Hoop: encircle; surround; make a basket; a rigid circular band
Humid: moist; damp; marked by a relatively high level of water vapour in the atmosphere
Mist: fog; haze; veil of tears; blurry vision; a cloud of tiny water droplets in the atmosphere at or near the earth’s surface
Perceive: feel; sense; be aware of; distinguish; discern; see; behold; become conscious of
Predict: tell beforehand; prophesy; foretell; announce in advance
Schemer: planner; deviser; one who plots; a planner who draws up a personal scheme of action
Scissors: a cutting tool consisting of two blades which slide against one another and cut material placed between them
Sleet: partly frozen rain; mixture of snow and rain; rain containing some ice; or snow melting as it falls
Swamp: an area of waterlogged ground; flood; fill or cover with water; inundate; overwhelm
Sword: weapon consisting of a long straight or curved blade fixed to a hilt; a cutting or thrusting weapon with a long blade
Theory: explanation based on thought observation or reasoning; coherent group of general assumptions; speculation; hypothesis
Utilize: make use of; make practical and effective use of; employ
Vacate: give up; leave; and leave behind empty
Vanish: disappear; disappear suddenly; cease to exist; pass away rapidly
Vapor: moisture in the air that can be seen; fog; steam; mist
Villain: a very wicked person; a wicked person or a person guilty of a crime
Weed: a wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants; tobacco; cigarettes






پرسش و پاسخ برای یادگیری لغات Vocabulary Questions and Answers Vol 2

مجموعه ۲ قسمتی Vocabulary Questions and Answers یک مجموعه متفاوت و جالب برای یادگیری لغات انگلیسی می باشد . در این مجموعه که سطح اول آن شامل بیش از ۵۰۰ پرسش و پاسخ می باشد در قالب کتاب و فایل صوتی عرضه شده است جالب است بدانید که این کتاب و صدا ها برای موبایل هم ارائه شده است و در فایلی که دانلود می کنید همه این فایلها گنجانده شده است . لغات

سوالها می تواند در قالب جمله بیان شود و یا اینکه فقط یک لغت باشد و سوال کننده بدنبال مترادف ان لغت باشد . بدنبال هر سوال هم جواب آن آمده است و در فایل صوتی هم به آن اشاره می شود . این لغات هم برای آمادگی آزمونهای TOEFL , GRE , GMAT بسیارمفید هستند و هم اینکه این لغات در روزنامه ها , فیلم ها و رمانها و .. هم بکاربرده میشوند .













پرسش و پاسخ برای یادگیری لغات Vocabulary Questions and Answers Vol 1


مجموعه ۲ قسمتی Vocabulary Questions and Answers یک مجموعه متفاوت و جالب برای یادگیری لغات انگلیسی می باشد . در این مجموعه که سطح اول آن شامل بیش از ۵۰۰ پرسش و پاسخ می باشد در قالب کتاب و فایل صوتی عرضه شده است جالب است بدانید که این کتاب و صدا ها برای موبایل هم ارائه شده است و در فایلی که دانلود می کنید همه این فایلها گنجانده شده است . لغات

سوالها می تواند در قالب جمله بیان شود و یا اینکه فقط یک لغت باشد و سوال کننده بدنبال مترادف ان لغت باشد . بدنبال هر سوال هم جواب آن آمده است و در فایل صوتی هم به آن اشاره می شود . این لغات هم برای آمادگی آزمونهای TOEFL , GRE , GMAT بسیارمفید هستند و هم اینکه این لغات در روزنامه ها , فیلم ها و رمانها و .. هم بکاربرده میشوند .




درس سوم ۵۰۴ واژه ضروری زبان انگلیسی



Lesson 3



Annual: occurring once a year; something that appears
Anoint: rub oil on a person’s head or feet as part of a religious ceremony; smear with a liquid
Appeal: plead; request; petition for a new trial or judgment; earnest or urgent request
Barely: hardly; scarcely; by a small margin
Blend: mixture; combination; mix together thoroughly
Breezes: light wind; quarrel; feud; any undertaking that is easy to do; a gentle wind
Contrary: contradictory; opposed; stubborn; obstinate; in opposition; against; counter
Costume: clothing; outfit; dress of a distinctive style or period; style of dress; woman’s outfit
Devise: think out; plan; invent; bequeath property through a will
Dined: eat dinner; give a dinner for; have supper; dinner party
Dispute: argue; debate; appeal; contest; oppose; fight against; disagreement; argument
Essential: necessary; very important; needed; fundamental; impossible to live without
Excessive: immoderate; exceeding normal bounds; extreme; more than is necessary
Exorbitant: excessive; extreme; disproportionate; expensive; greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
Expensive: costly; high priced; precious
Grant: award; gift; present; contribution; donation; agree; donate; agree to give or allow
Immoderate: excessive; extreme; exaggerated; not moderate; not within reasonable limits
Labor: strenuous physical or mental work;; job or work that must be accomplished; work-force; worker
Legislative: having the authority to make or enact laws; having the power to make laws; relating to laws or a legislature
Minimum: least possible amount; smallest possible size; lowest degree
Persuade: convince; induce; cause to do something through reasoning or argument; win over to do or believe; make willing
Precious: expensive; valuable; priceless; beloved; dear; affectedly delicate; overly refined
Quarrel: fight; an angry dispute; argue; struggle; squabble; conflict; complain; find fault
Retail: pertaining to the sale of goods to final consumers; of the sale of merchandise to end users
Roam: travel about aimlessly; wander; drift; rove; move about aimlessly or without any destination
Scarce: hard to get; rare; not abundant; in short supply
Shade: cast a shadow upon; dim; darken; screen; hide from view; protect from light; cover with a shade change gradually
Shortening: add butter or other fat; act of making shorter; act of cutting; abbreviation; solid fat used in baking
Slaughter: butcher an animal; murder a person; indiscriminately kill a large number of people or animals; kill (animals) for food
Strike: temporary work stoppage; hit; blow; knocking down of all pins at one time (Bowling); failure to hit a ball (Baseball)
Talent: natural ability; innate ability or skill; capacity for achievement; talented person
Typical: usual; of a kind; characteristic; representative; conforming to the expected; standard; classic
Visible: able to be seen; can be clearly seen; in view; observable; obvious; apparent
Wholesale: on a large scale; in large quantities; at a wholesale price; less than retail in price