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درس اول 504 واژه ضروری زبان انگلیسی



Abandon: desert; leave without planning to come back; quit; leave behind; reject; renounce; and give up
Anecdote: short narrative describing an interesting or amusing incident; tale; narrative; urban myth
Bachelor: unmarried man; graduate who holds a bachelor’s degree
Bear: give birth; something difficult to do or deal with; endure; carry; support; suffer; produce
Blade: edge (of a knife); cutting portion of a razor; thin leaf; paddle; bat; racquet; propeller
Break in: enter forcibly; interrupt a person while he is speaking; an illegal forced entry in order to steal something
Breeding: courtesy; education; upbringing; rearing; cultivation; producing offspring
Cloak: loose sleeveless outer garment that fastens at the neck and hangs down the back; mask; disguise; cover
Contest: fight for; appeal; challenge; competition
Cot: a small bed with high barred sides for a baby or very young child; light portable bed; a camp bed
Data: information; facts; facts and statistics used for reference or analysis; the quantities
Detective: investigative; one who searches for information and evidence relevant to specific occurrences
Flirting: coquetry; affectionate and playful conduct meant to arouse sexual interest; brief romance
Gallant: brave; showing respect for women; chivalrous; gentlemanly
Generous: freely giving more of something than is necessary or expected; giving; unselfish; abundant; plentiful
Gesture: express an idea or emotion through bodily movements; motion of to emphasize or help to express a thought
Hardship: something that is hard to bear; difficulty; suffering; trouble; severe suffering or privation; misfortune; bad luck
Jealous: afraid that the one you love might prefer someone else; wanting what someone else has
Keen: sharp; intense; eager; clever; perceptive; astute; strong; enthusiastic; wonderful; amazing
Knight: medieval warrior; man who holds an honorary nonhereditary rank; chess piece shaped like a horse’s head
Lot: divide; allocate; section of land; film studio; large amount; a great deal
Muddy: covered in mud; cloudy; hazy; vague; cover in mud; make impure; confuse the issue; make unclear
Oath: a promise that something is true; words of a solemn promise; a curse
Peg: fasten with clothespin; strengthen with a wedge; reinforce with a spike
Puddle: small pool of water or liquid; mud; pool of foul stagnant water; dirty; pollute; roll about in the mud
Qualify: become fit; show that you are able; meet the minimum standards; restrict; attribute a quality or characteristic
Swore: past ofswe ar; solemnly promise; curse; use obscene language; testify under oath (Law); bind by an oath
Tact: ability to say the right thing; diplomacy; ability to skillfully deal with people; sense of what is proper or appropriate
Unaccustomed: unfamiliar; not accustomed to; unusual; not used to something
Upbringing: rearing of children; the treatment and instruction received from one’s parents throughout childhood
Vacant: empty; unfilled; unoccupied; not in use; lacking expression; not claimed
Widow: woman whose husband has died; take away something valuable

لغات و مکالمه های زبان انگلیسی سوم راهنمایی








جزوه واژگان سال سوم راهنمایی

تهیه شده توسط رامین ولی نژاد دانش آموز کلاس سوم مدرسه شهید چمران ماکو



جزوه مکالمه های سال سوم راهنمایی

تهیه شده توسط حمید دهقانی دانش آموز کلاس سوم مدرسه شهید چمران ماکو








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درس دوم 504 واژه ضروری زبان انگلیسی

Adventure: escapade; exciting experience; risky undertaking; put oneself at risk; take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome
Blanket: cover; coat; a large piece of woolen material used as a covering for warmth as on a bed
Castle: large building typically of the medieval period; chateau; palace; turret; tower
Cemetery: place where dead people are buried; a tract of land used for burials
Cheat: deceive; swindle; betray; be disloyal; break rules; obtain answers or information in a dishonest way
Coffin: a long; narrow box in which a dead body is buried or cremated.
Conceal: hide; cover; keep secret
Corpse: a dead body; especially of a human
Deadened: diminish; alleviate; anesthetize; numb; make less lively; become dead
Dismal: dark; gloomy; cheerless; depressing; sad
Fled: past and past participle offle e; escape; run away; move swiftly; hurry
Frigid: very cold; frozen; sexually unresponsive
Grave: place where a person or thing is buried; severe; serious; critical; somber; sober
Inhabit: occupy; live in; dwell in; reside in; populate; be present in; be inside of
Janitor: custodian; maintenance man; gatekeeper; doorman; warden; cleaner; maintenance man
Latitude: angular distance on a meridian north or south of the equator; an imaginary great circle on the surface of the earth
Legal: of or pertaining to the law; allowed by law; established by law; according to law
Longitude: angular distance measured east or west from the prime meridian; an imaginary great circle on the surface of the earth
Maid: servant; cleaning lady; young girl; unmarried woman; virgin
Numb: without the power of feeling; deadened; lacking sensitivity; in shock; senseless
Peril: danger; risk; hazard; a situation of serious and immediate danger
Recline: lie in a horizontal position; lie back; lie down and rest; stretch out; lean back
Revenge: action taken in return for an injury or offense; take vengeance; avenge; retaliate; requite
Shack: small crude shelter used as a dwelling; a roughly built hut or cabin; live together without being legally married
Shriek: scream; loud shrill cry; screech
Sinister: evil; wicked; dishonest; frightening; malicious; threatening; ominous; portending evil; on the left side;
Slight: small; light; lacking substance; unimportant; treat with indifference; pay no attention to; disrespect
Slum: poor neighborhood; densely populated poverty-stricken area of a city
Stuck: past participle ofstick; fixed in place; caught; puzzled; jab or poke with a pointed object; fasten; put in a particular place
Teller: a person who deals with customers’ transactions in a bank; cashier; vote counter
Tempt: try to get someone to do something; test; invite; entice; tantalize; seduce
Wage: salary; payment; earnings; a fixed regular payment for work typically paid on a daily or weekly basis
Wager: bet; gamble the act of gambling; stake on the outcome of an issue
Wicked: evil; bad mischievous; vicious; malicious; severe; unjustified; dangerous; unpleasant; vile

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پاورپوینت های زبان انگلیسی سال دوم راهنمایی








پاورپوینت های آموزش زبان انگلیسی سال دوم راهنمایی


( تهیه شده توسط خانم آذری نیا دبیر زبان انگلیسی میاندوآب)

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درس دهم












آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی 20 دقیقه در روز





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